Celebrating The Cultures of all nations

Cleveland, TN USA is a growing metropolis, of different cultures  from every nation. Apostle Dr. Kadene Semone Hinkson of God's Lighthouse Tabernacle International Ministries, hosts a 10-day event, called Culture-Fest & Empowerment Gathering. Each day will be a celebration of cultures from a Christian worldview. There will be speakers, vendors (food and product), music, and different styles of food where we can get "A Taste of the Nations." There will also be worship services throughout the day so the unchurched can receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ and we can fulfill the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19-20(KJV), which says: 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. 

Travel For The Nations is held on Saturday, and involves the sharing of stories among the attendees. Apostle Hinkson asks the following questions:  "What is your story? Were you led to come here by God? What is He directing you toward life?" According to Apostle Hinkson there are 66 nations represented in Cleveland, TN. 

Upon moving to Cleveland, TN in 2004, she was surprised by the multi-denominations of Christianity in town, as in Jamaica, she was only used to seeing Christianity in general, without varying tenets. "I remembered the Scripture in 1 Corinthians that talks about the church of God, and in Jamaica, all the churches met together, and we didn't see any differences, she said. We stick to the Word of God, as He said, 'we are all part of the family of God.'" To learn more about the event, please contact: 423-876-3478 or 423-740-2230.


Sponsors & Vendors

Vendors Per Day Pricing

  • Food Vendors - $200 per day
  • Product Vendors - $100 per day

Sponsors Festival Contributors

  • Iron Sharpens Iron: $250 - $500
  • Bronze: $700 - $1500
  • Silver: $1500 - $5000/ Gold: $5000 & Up