Family Mountain


  • Perhaps the area most under assault is that of the family. The devil seeks to steal, kill and destroy the family unit. Why? Because it is at the core of who we are and what God intends for us to be. Satan knows if he goes for the jugular—our family unit—he has us right where he wants us—crumbling and falling apart. Premarital sex, cohabitation, divorce, abuse, neglect, abortion and same-sex marriage are all against the Word of God and a direct assault on the family.

Spiritual Warfare

Prayer Focus

When you pray, declare that marriage between one man and one woman will remain the foundation of the family. Pray for marriages to be healed and strengthened. Pray against the spirit of divorce and for divorce rates to plummet. Pray that Christian families will understand and engage in spiritual warfare for their families. Pray that Christians will stand for life and defend the unborn. Pray that fathers will take their place as leaders in the home, renounce family curses, and loose blessing for current and future generations.