WELCOME TO God's LightHouse Tabernacle International Ministries

We are so happy that you have taken the time to come and fellowship with us. We trust that you will feel you feel exceptionally welcome and a part of this church family, serving God with your spiritual gifts and talents. As we are poised for a new experience in the Holy Spirit, our hope is that you will sing, pray and participate with us. Jesus says: "Upon this rock I will build My Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail" (Matthew 16:18) Let us begin to serve the LORD with an attitude of gratefulness and thanksgiving, as we are confident of this one thing, "He that hath began a good work in us will finish it , until the Day of His Appearing"

Ministry vision

Ministry goal

Ministry in the Body of Christ passionately modeling the life of Christ Jesus through significant relationships with believers as well as seekers. Ministry Goal: Making disciples of all nations!